Sunday, December 07, 2008

Thanksgiving came and went

I forgot to blog about Thanksgiving. So here goes, it was fine. I cooked my turkey and stuffing and they were really good. It was tight in my house with 20 people though and everyone wanting to be in the kitchen at the exact time I was putting out the food. My turkey was finished by 2:30 but my mom's turkey breast wasn't finished until about 3:30 so there was a little lapse in time in which I felt like the rest of the food was getting cold while she ran home to get her turkey breast. Then when I said time to eat, everyone was kind of hem hawing around not wanting to be the first to eat. Bob said I sort of got a little stressed out about it :) He said he felt like it was D-Day and I was yelling go, eat, sit. WHATEVER!! But after that things settled down while everyone ate. The food was delicious! We had another little glitch when cleaning up. I was running the garbage disposal and it shook the pipe loose on the drain and caused water to pour out from under the sink AND drip down the basement wall in the utility room. Thankfully we were able to catch it in time and fix without too much damage and mess.

The rest of the evening we played charades and ate pie. All in all it was a nice day. Don't know if I will want to do it again next year but we'll see.

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