Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Updates Abound

My father in law's cancer has not spread to any other parts of his body but it is in his skull and brain as the surgeon previously told us. He will undergo chemo and radiation beginning in January. This somewhat good news and he is in much better spirits today.

I have ALL the shopping finished and everything (except 2 last minute gifts that my dad bought my mom but I have to wrap) wrapped. I mean everything!! Yippee. The tree is up, the stockings are hung, WE are ready for Christmas!!

Looking forward to see my mother's side of the family tomorrow evening, my in-laws for brunch on Christmas day, my father's side of the family Christmas evening and Bob's extended family on the 27th. Yeah, these next few days will be BUSY!!

My previous post was a copy of our annual newsletter. I did not have time to mail it before Christmas so I emailed it and posted it on my blog. (I know, I know, HI TECH!!) I'll mail out a few to far away friends and relatives later this week.

But we do wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and blessed holiday season!


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I'm an oncology nurse and I hate cancer more than anything; it's so unfair, striking the undeserving and it's everywhere...I swear it's this century's version of the plague. I'll be hoping for positive results from the chemo and radiation. Merry Christmas to you and your family and enjoy your Christmas break! --Jennifer K.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep your father in-law in my prayers; I have an aunt battling cancer as well.

Love the holiday blog theme!

Alison said...

Thanks for the comments and prayers!