Sunday, December 21, 2008

Prayers for Bob's Dad

Tomorrow my father-in-law goes in for a cat scan to see how far his cancer has spread. Richard was diagnosed with cancer of the parotid gland in November which had spread from squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer. He had surgery about 2 weeks ago to remove the cancer on the side of his face and neck. It was an extensive surgery requiring a large skin graft. The doctor told us then that the cancer had spread to the skull bones and possibly beyond to the brain. Tomorrow Richard will undergo the tests needed to evaluate how extensive the cancer has spread. We are quietly optimistic that it hasn't spread too far although the surgeon did state that she gave Grandpa about a 5 year survival rate at this point. But she would further adjust that depending on how far it has spread.

With my mother-in-law having just recovered from knee surgery in October, Barbara and Richard were planning on doing more traveling this year. The cancer diagnosis coming this close to Christmas has really zapped our spirits. I ask that you keep them in your prayers tomorrow as they find out the results from the tests.

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