Monday, December 15, 2008

Adam's Birthday part 1 & 2

Adam has a December birthday which if you ask me should be outlawed. It's really not fair because you get lumped all in there with Christmas. I've tried to convince him for the last two years to pick a different month to celebrate it but he says that would be cheating. SO I can't really argue with that logic. But I do have him convinced to celebrate it a week or two earlier than his actual birthday.

Last Sunday, December 7th, we went to dinner at Happy Joes with the Nixon grandparents. That is our normal family tradition. Adam received boots and money and a nerf gun blaster. We also gave him Kung Fu Panda the movie and XBox game. Then yesterday he had his friends over for his kid birthday party. I had a scavenger hunt and a treasure hunt all planned for them along with pizza, cake and Kung Fu Panda viewing. The party was a big success.

Adam's actually birthday is the 18th when we plan to go to Culvers, his favorite restaurant. Then on The 20th we are having the Geiler grandparents, great grandparents, and other extended family over for pizza and games to celebrate Adam and his cousin Nick's birthdays. So Adam actually gets a 4 part birthday. But I think it's only fair for December babies.

(note the Christmas tree in the bcakground, it did get put up)

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