Sunday, August 24, 2008

Baby Boom #2

In past posts, I blogged about all the friends that were preggers. Well now two have had their babies and I didn't even post about them. How terrible a friend am I?

So here goes.

Bridget and Drew from Texas had their daughter Sophie LeighAnn on July 22. Bridget is a good friend from college, Hannah's Godmother and my Godson, Luke's, mother. Mom and baby are doing wonderful. Sophie was kind of a big one at over 8lbs but from all the pics I've seen, definitely gorgeous.

Bridget, Sophie and big brother Luke

What a head of hair she has!

Our other friends, Larry and Kim, had their baby on August 18th. Ethan Alexander weighed just over 7lbs and has a spray of light brown hair. He is absolutely adorable! Ethan and Kim are doing fine, even though he was born via c-section. Larry reports that Ethan is nursing like a champ!

I have cell phone pics but they don't show up very well when I email them to myself and then download them to the blog so I'll wait till I get some good shots of him and do another post.

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