Friday, January 04, 2008

Tired of Hearing about the I 64/40 Shutdown Already

Is anyone else sick of hearing about the highway 40 shutdown already? It has only been closed for 2 days now but that is all they talk about on the news, I am really tired of hearing about it. They have had a count down to the shutdown going for 85 days. It's too much!!

Maybe I am just biased because the shutdown does not really affect me. I don't travel on 40 much to begin with and I don't travel on any of the highways to get to work so I really just don't care.

They even have websites devoted to the shutdown.


akk said...

brad and i were so glad to be gone before all that mess took place - we lived traveling 64/40

Anonymous said...

It affects my life DAILY...

I think it is important news :)

Anonymous said...

Get used to it, we have several years of this