Friday, January 11, 2008

Those Crazy Cub Scouts

As most of you know, I am the leader of Adam's cub scout den. I thought when I volunteered that it would be fun, WRONG!! It is just plain work and the meetings are so chaotic with 14 second grade age boys running around. Last night we had a meeting and we were trying to complete some requirements to earn our WOlf Rank so I had the boys making paper bag masks, performing a skit, playing a game and making a chore chart. I thought this would take up the whole meeting. WRONG, it took up about half the meting because they don't care about sitting and making a mask or a chore chart or performing a skit. All they care about is running around and rough housing and yelling and screaming, this has probably added to my stress level this week. But I am posting a couple pictures of the rowdy crew so you can see for yourself.

The Cub Scouts with their paper bag masks. Adam is the one in the blue striped shirt.

Playing a game at cubscouts, whose the fastest at eating a doughnut dangled from a string without using your hands.

1 comment:

akk said...

You are either very brave or a bit crazy. I would never consider teaching at Monroe all day and also volunteering for Cub scouts after that! Wow!!!!