Thursday, April 24, 2008

Basement Update, Blog Problems and other Ramblings

First off, the basement is coming along quite nicely. It's fun picking out the paint and flooring. If the rain holds, they should be finished by Monday. DARN that pesky rain!

I am having major issues with my blog, I inserted a gif animation that says Lucky Me to see what it looked like and now I can't get rid of the darn thing. Blogger is being difficult and you can't get help from them you have to go to an online help center question forum, which of course is NO help! So I changed my template but I still don't like it and now there is no acutal title. I'm working on it. I was thinking about moving my stuff to a different blogger blog but not sure how to retreive all my posts and all my other saved stuff in order to move it to a new address. So if anyone out there can help, please email. Also, I have been getting some weird comments, so for now I put in that I need to approve all comments before they are posted but don't let that stop anyone from writing an appropriate comment.

Hannah's team won their first game 26 to 13, I know it sounds like a basketball score but this will probably be a re-buildng year for the Boomers.

Another long lost friend is also having a baby. Andrea is due in September. That is another edition to a long line of friends who have had or are having babies soon.

Sparky has been staying at Grandmas while the basement is being finished and the back yard is torn up but I really miss him so I thought I would post this cute picture of him and Justin.

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