Monday, September 29, 2008


Just finished the novel Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and all I can say is WOW! It was breathtaking. I had seen several of my female 8th grade students reading it at school and many of them had commented on how much they love it so I thought I would give it a try. Well I was blown away. It's target audience I guess would be teenage girls but it was so well written that I was enthralled for the whole 500 pages. It is also being made into a movie to be released in November. I put a widget at the bottom of my blog containing movie facts etc. It is an incredibly dark novel about vampires, which usually isn't my thing but it's not the standard blood and gore you usually find with these types of novels. READ IT, now!


Anonymous said...

You know, I'd been considering reading this but after seeing the movie trailer didn't think it looked like my type--I, too, am not usually into vampire themes. But I think you've convinced me to give it a shot.

Alison said...

Yes, you should read it. I just finished the second novel called New Moon and it wasn't nearly as good as Twilight but I am told by students to stick with the 4 part series because the 3rd and 4th books are even better than Twilight. Let me know if you like it.