Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Writing Project

I volunteered to go this workshop called the Gateway Writing Project. It's through my school district and it is supposed to help us teach better writing skills to our students. Yesterday was the first class. I admit I had some mixed feelings about going, I mean mostly these types of things are really boring and just go over the same old tired techniques that everyone knows. So I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this workshop. The instructors made us write just like we make our students write and they connected writing to literature in a way that makes it seem interesting not the same old boring read a book and write about. Since I like to think of myself as a "good" writer as evident by this incredibly wonderful blog that I write ;) it was challenging to try to write some interesting and creative things to fit the goals of this class. Not sure why I am putting all this in my blog but it's my blog and so here it is.

Also, today is Wednesday and I am NOT weighing in for the biggest loser, Justin has a football game tonight and I have to meet Bob at the car dealer to sign the papers for our new truck. Besides it has been a terrible food week and I really don't WANT to know if I gained or lost. If I relent and do actually, secretly weigh myself and I actually really lose some pounds then I'll blog about it, if I don't then I won't. Hmmmm sometimes it's good to be your own author.

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