Sunday, July 13, 2008

summer boredom

Okay, I admit it. I am bored. First off let me preface this by saying that Bob has been sick with a sinus infection for a month. And so he hasn't felt like doing anything especially this last week. So suffice to say I have been doing a lot of reading, laundry, and cleaning. But my life does not revolve around cleaning, in fact I really don't like it at all, not that many people do but you know there is only so much that can be done before your house is just finally clean!

Yes, I did have the baby shower for Kim yesterday which went really well. I took three pictures before my camera ran out of batteries. That always happens, drives me crazy because then I can never find the extra batteries. And since I had 15 women over at the time I didn't want to go hunting in every nook and cranny for extra batteries so I don't have many pictures. But I will post what I have, just not now. Why, I dunno, don't feel like it, I am bored, bored, bored. And also having a little pity party about it. Humph.....

But I digress

My parents and brother and sister in law are all going to the Ozarks this afternoon and I would really like to go but can't because Justin has football camp this week. So now that they are all leaving I am also feeling a bit jealous. Plus Adam is going to Dad and Lad Cub Scout camp out this coming Saturday night with Bob and Hannah has two softball practices and 3 softball games this week. So, yes while my week will be full up with driving kids around, it will still be boring for me. AWW poor Alison! I know if my mom is reading this she is probably thinking suck it up that's why you are a mom. And I know she is right BUT how about something for myself once in awhile.

Plus on top of all that my two best friends, Kristen and Elise, are both out of town. Go figure, it's like the Perfect Storm of Boredom! (just saw the movie and read the book The Perfect Storm, that's where the reference comes from)

Oh well pity party over, we are leaving for Branson next Monday so I guess I don't have it too bad~

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