Sunday, July 20, 2008

out of office reply

sorry this blogger is out of the office (er, I mean couch) all week long. don't you just hate it when you get that repsonse from an email? not sure why but I find it annoying. anyhow, I will be gone all week with the fam on vacay. not sure why I'm not capitalizing my sentences but I have seen lots of other blogs that do this but I don't know why they do it. come to think of it I really shouldn't be capitalizing my i's either so i guess i won't

WAIT! The teacher in me can't do that. In fact, I feel uncomfortable not capitalizing the title either. I mean that is like a 3rd grade skill, you capitalize the title of a story. DUH! So I guess I will just do the right thing. Like always! (oops that's not a complete sentence)

But to all my adoring public readers, check back next weekend for the vacay update.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hi Alison! Thanks for stopping by my blog - and it will be fun to pop in here and read about what you're up to also! I love the layout of your blog... and by the way, I just started "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," I think its gonna be a good read. Hope you have a great vacation and I'll be on the lookout for you when I'm at my mom's.