Sunday, October 05, 2008

October Bliss

Can't believe it's October already. Seems like I was just posting about it being labor day and boom we are 7 weeks into the new school year. October is my favorite month of the year. WHY?
Justin's birthday (10/12 he will be 14), my birthday (10/19), my dad's birthday (10/24) and Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year.

And mother nature sure has provided some awesome fall weather to ring in October. It's been cool, sunny and wonderful. Yesterday I took Justin to his football game and even got a little sunburned, but it was a great game with the Cougars winning 39-18 and Justin doing a fantastic job at center all game!

The leaves are just starting to change, ahhhhhhh FALL!


Anonymous said...

i wished away the entire summer as i waited for jill's due date, and now i'm dreading the coming of winter and cold weather.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the weather great? I'm LOVING it!

We are all very excited for Halloween around here. I just have to get my act together and figure out costumes!