Wednesday, October 22, 2008

They say it's MY birthday

Well I'm 36, I don't think there is really much more to say. BLAH!!

Bob took me to brunch at the Bevo Mill on Sunday (which was the day of my actual birthday.) It was pretty good, I love German food so I enjoyed the saurbraten, red cabbage, and potato pancakes. The breakfast stuff was so-so but it was just the two of us so that was enjoyable. He gave me a box of dark chocolate covered molasses puffs from the Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Company. They are my favorite candy!! I won't even share with anyone! He also washed, vacuumed and armor all ed my mini van for me which was exactly what I wanted. Then he had to go to work from 3-11 which is a crappy shift. But my mom barbecued steaks and baked potatoes, YUM-O! My parents gave me some cash to buy my own gift/pay bills. My sweet grandma sent me $20, kind made me feel ten years old but it was the thought! And that's about it folks.

sweet goodness

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