Monday, October 27, 2008

A new season, a new sport~ HOCKEY

Yep, that's right, Fall is here and so is the latest sports season, Hockey. No not for the St. Louis Blues, sure they play, but I'm talking about the Affton School Hockey League. It is a floor hockey league for kids in grades 1-12. Justin starting in 1st grade, Hannah has played for 3 years now and Adam is also in his third season.

The first games of the season were held on Saturday. Justin and Hannah play on the same team it's called the Stealth. They won 7-2 with Hannah scoring a goal!! It was great because she is the only girl on the team and she feels a little intimadated by all the boys. So we were totally psyched about it! Adam's team, coached by Bob, lost 5-1. The Mohawks are probably going to have a re-builing year as they moved up to the midget division and they are now the youngest team in the division. It's a fun sport thought, fast paced, short games lasting about 40 minutes.

Both Bob and I played when we younger too. The league has been around for 30 years. We can't wait till next week to see how they play.

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