Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pink Eye Shmink Eye

Well my summer is off to a bang as I have contracted a raging case of conjunctivitis also known as Pink Eye. It started in my right eye and then seemed to get better. Now it has jumped to the left eye and there is no sign of stopping. I went to an Urgent Care center while I was still at school last week because the school nurse said I was contagious. They gave me some antibiotic eye drops which seemed to help for a few days. Then last Friday it seemed to get worse and move into the left eye. If you've never had it it's really fun with symptoms including runny eyes, pink crusty eyeball, swelling eye lid, and pain. Right now my eyes are just constantly running, it looks as though I am always crying. I went to pick up dinner at a local BBQ place, Phil's, and as I was waiting I am sure the people there must have been thinking "Why is this lady crying?" because my eyes were weeping and red and I was constantly wiping them.

To make matters worse I have to take the Praxis exam for my certification in Middle School Language arts on Saturday morning. This will be terrible if I can't even read the questions. I guess I should break down and go back to the doctor. Luckily no one else in the family has it yet!

On a positive note, we just got back from the lake for a long weekend trip and had a good time boating and swimming.



Anonymous said...

ugh, pink eye. when i got it a few years back, both brad and the dog ended up with it. yup, the dog can catch it also.

Anonymous said...

Pink eye is the worst! It's such a preschool disease and completely embarrassing as an adult. I got it last year from one of the boys and it was awful.
Has yours cleared up any? And how was the Praxis exam?