Friday, March 30, 2007

My Rant

Okay, I quickly have to go off on a slight rant. Here it is, I am sitting at school and it is conference day. We have no kids here. We also had conferences last evening after school until 6:30 and today the conferences end at 11:30 so I have a little over 1 hour left and I have had 3 yes 3 parents here, that's it. The only way to fix these schools is to fix the parents and I don't have a clue as how to do that. But it is infuriating to me that these people care so little about their children's education that they can't show up to talk to the teacher. I have tried calling, but half the numbers are disconnected, most of the kids have switched address and can't remember the latest one, sending letters home with student just ends up having thrown away before the kid leaves the building, so short of driving to these people's houses, there is no way that I can let them know that little Javon won't keep his hands to himself and hasn't turned in an assignment in two weeks. UGH!!!

Okay, I am done with my rant. I just needed to get that off my mind.

1 comment:

akk said...

If you figure that one out, let me know. Although, I hope to teach at a school much more like Hope when/if I go back.