Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Boredom and other such musings

Well winter is in full gear and to say my kids are bored with it is an understatement. They are having a little touch of cabin fever, constantly fighting, or arguing about what to watch on TV, video game to play, or chores they don't want to do.

As for me, I am very busy at school trying to prepare my students for the state MAP tests that occur in April. It is very stressful because our school really needs to show some improvement in order to make state sanctioned Annual Yearly Progress. For the last 2 years our school's scores have gone down, so we really need to improve them but it is such an uphill battle.

Anyway, as far as the resolutions go I am doing okay. Still flossing and moisturizing and I joined the Affton Community and have started exercising which I like but wish I had more time for. I am still cutting back on what I eat especially at school. But the eating out part is a hard habit to break. I think I have definitly failed in that area of my resolutions. I need to retrain my kids into seeing that we have food at home that can be eaten. It is a hard concept to teach though as I am usually the first one to say let's go out.

But I will keep trying. I am looking forward to my scrapbook weekend with the girls in 2 weeks.

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