Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Skipping School

Well, my kids are sick today. Justin has a sore throat and Hannah's asthma is acting up so we are staying home from school. I am really upset about it :) I let Adam stay home also, probably shouldn't but he hasn't missed any school yet and he thinks it's fun to skip school with mom. Better not get him into that habit........

Anyway, it's great, I slept late and so did everyone else. We go to the doctor at 11 but until them I am going to finish decorating the tree( no I 'm not done yet) and catch up on some wash.. It is so hectic around here but I still have time to blog.

I am caught up at school, all papers graded and recorded. The end of the quarter is the 30th which doesn't make sense since we are off school then but whatever. I will still make my kids work the rest of this week and next but.... you know how it is my grades are pretty much done since I do my gradebook with excel and it calculates it for me. Anyway not much else to say, finished my Christmas cards and am getting those in the mail they turned out really really good and I did all myself using Word, and Publisher. I may try to link it to my blog if possible.

Oh one more thing, Justin and Hannah's hockey team won their first game. YEAH! Justin scored and he played great and Hannah is finally getting the hang of it.


akk said...

I know what you mean. There's never time to get everything done around the house, but I always seem to find time to blog and check other people's blogs! Congrats on being caught up on you're grading. I usually had a 8 or 9 inch stack at all times. Not this year though!

Alison said...

I totally know what you mean, my stack was very thick. Fortunately, I have some very capable students who can help grade. Otherwise I would perpetually be behind.