Monday, November 20, 2006

November 2006

Adam turkey bowling.

Two of my favorite student, Sam and Tiffany

Hey, I can't believe it's been since July since I last posted. Let me get you up to date quickly. Our new house deal fell through and we havn't been able to sell the old one. We have decided to narrow our search to Affton so that we can keep the kids in the schools. They are doing great and loving school.

Hannah is in a classroom that has computers on every desk, sh e has become quite good at typing and power point. She is playing hockey and basketball and keeping busy.

Justin is playing hockey and wrestling and he loves his new school. He has started to make friends and he enjoys switching classes. He had a lot of fun on the football team this year and looks forward to next year.

Adam is playing hockey and he is also in cub scouts. He has an active troop, they just had a turkey bowl which was quite fun.

Bob is wokring two extra jobs over the holidays and he is keeping busy with that and coaching 2 hockey teams.

As for me, school is crazy but I'm hanging in there. My 7th graders are challenging in everyway but I love them all.

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