These first two weeks of November have literally just flown by. I mean I can't quite believe that it is Nov. 14th already. I have been really busy at work trying to be super teacher. Staying late, thinking up super cool assignments that kids will actually WANT to do, volunteering for committees, going to workshops, its EXSHAUSTING!
Anyway, we've also been shuffling kids back and forth to sporting events, the end of one season the beginning of another. Basketball starts next week so that will be another night of practices and games. We've got something every night of the week.
And then I have to start Christmas shopping. Have I mentioned how much I HATE doing that?? UGH,UGH,UGH, buying a bunch of stuff that will be broke, lost, or stained by Easter is just not my idea of a good time. Plus I have been spoiled by all this great weather we are having so this gloomy, rainy, weekend does not sit well with me. And is it just me or does everyone else HATE Daylight savings time?? For mom's it's not an extra hour of sleep, it's just a day that starts extra early. Like instead of kids getting up at 8am on Sunday they got up at 7. And yes, techinically my kids can take care of themselves but will they>> NO!! I always hear the fights over the TV or the calls of there's nothing to eat. SO FUN! Then there's that lingering feeling that I should be in bed at 7pm because it looks like midnight. I am all thrown off.......
And on top of ALL that, I really, honestly think I need glasses. We just got a new 50 inch TV and yes it's awesome but it looks blurry to me. I used to think our old 27in looked blurry but thought it was just too far away to see. NOPE, it's me. I am getting old. I give myself a headache watching it too much. I can see fine up close, it's far away that gives me problems. Does that make me near sighted or far sighted?!? IDK!
So much for my rant. It's 6:30 and feels like 9:30, there is nothing on TV on Friday nights, it's rainy so I don't want to shop and I am bored. hmpf.....