Saturday, June 02, 2007

Last Day

Well June 1st was the last day of school. It was a very emotional day for my students because we have been together for the last 2 years. At the end, I went around and told them all what I liked about them and how much potential they each had and how they had really made a difference in my life. My biggest accomplishment is the fact that Kachelle's report card was such an improvement. She managed to get mostly C's and a few B's on her grades and it has been the most fantastic transformation from last year when she was kicked out of school for three months to this year becoming my most improved student of the year. Her mom came up on Friday and told me how much of an influence I had been in Kachelle's life and how I had turned her around. It was a great moment for me. If a teacher can say she truly made a difference in at least one kid's life, it is an amazing feeling. I feel that these kids have touched me and taught me in so many ways.
It was very upsetting to also find out on the same day that it doesn't look good for my return to Monroe. Due to low senority, I will probably be moving to a different school. It really angers me that this is happening because there are several teachers in the building who, in my opinion, should not still be teaching. Yet I am the one being told to move on. I have never been formally observed by my supervisor, and have had no feedback on ways to improve my teaching ability. Yet my evaluation this year was marked as being proficient, the second highest reating that could be given?? There was no explanation as to why I was given that rating, but it was said I would probably get the highest rating next year???? And people ask what's the problem with St. Louis Public School? Where do I start..............